Thursday, December 15, 2011

bright pink tights

What does it feel like for you to do something you've never done before? Today I wore bright pink tights for the first time ever in my life. A friend asked me: "Are you sure?" (she meant am I sure I didn't want her to watch my boys while I was at a meeting. I responded "NO! I am NOT SURE I have bright pink tights on right now. I was on may way to go to an event that was premiering the movie "The Gift of Life" with several presidential candidates. No, I didn't go home and change. I did quite the opposite, I pressed through the butterflies and wore them and had a blast. I want us all to learn that the feelings of uncertainty aren't bad. In fact, those very feelings help us to know we are learning to walk in the fullness of our destiny and BE all we were created to be. Feel the feelings and press through! By the way--the name of my tights is "Happy Life Creator!" The tights speak forth my destiny and were given to me by a friend who calls forth more of my giftings that I ever knew I had! Yeah for pink tights and for friends--they both make me smile!

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